Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Vocabulary 2

1. Coherent- (of an argument, theory , or policy) logical and consistent
- For English we had to do a coherent essay.

2.  Delabor- argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail
-The author took up so much space to belabor his viewpoint.

3. Eschew- deliberately avoid using; abstain from
- Because I want to have a good grade I tend to eschew people that don't do good in school.

4. Acquisitive- excessively interested in acquiring or material things
- While I am somewhat acquisitive and cannot afford to buy anything I want, I try to only buy the things I need.

5. Emulate- match or supass (a person or achievement) typically by imitation.
-We tried to emulate what we had seen in the morning.

6. Banal- so lacking in originality as to be a obvious and boring
- My history class is needed but it's very banal.

7. Excoriation- a harsh criticism
- In his speech the president will ecorlate the dictation actions.

8. Congeal- solidify of coagulate, especially by cooling
-They refrigerated the lemonade so it would congeal before they drank it.

9. Carping- difficult to please, critical
- He is so carping, sometimes I wonder if he really does love me.

10. Substantiate- provide evidence to support or prove the truth of
- To have a good grade on your project you must substantiate your project with details.

11. Temporize- avoid making a decision or commiting oneself in order to gain time
- Because we couldn't reach an agreement, we chose to break for refreshments in order to temporize.

12. Largesse- generosity in bestowing or gifts upon others
- If it were not for the largesse of Diana's charity, many people in the city would be hungry.

13. Tenable- a able to maintained or defended against attack or objection
- During the battle we were fortunate to be safe behind a tenable castle wall.

14. Insatiable- (of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy
-I was busy feeding linens into the insatiable washing machine.

15. Reconnaissance- military observation of a region to locate an enemy as certain
- The reconnaissance team has discovered bomb.

16. Germain- absolute: closely akin features
-I do not have to anwser your questions because they are not germain to the case.

17. Ramify- form branches or offshoots; spree or branch out
-Above mentioned, with the air-tubes that ramify through the insect.

18. Instransigent- unwilling or refusing to change ones views or to agree about something
-The mom was instransigent with the parties thrown by his son.

19. Taciturn- reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
- They were curiously taciturn and reticent race.

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