Monday, October 31, 2016

I'm self reliant

I read most of it but I didn't rally understand it but I know it talking about society and stuff like that.

Author in progress

I did well in explaining my answers but I need help in actually understand what he says. It's really difficult to but I hunk that's what I need help in.

Journal topic

I think my writing on Emerson went well because I really prepared myself and tried to understand the reading.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Today I'm a good human

Today I'm a good human because I'm catching up on every missing assignment I have for this class and my other classes. I'm also getting my shit together by getting more organized, catching up, trying harder, studying, getting involve, looking for a job, and joining sports.

Letter to a mentor draft 1

Dear mentor,
Why do I not know what I'm chasing yet? Like why do I not know what I want to be when I grow up? I have tried everything to figure out what I would like my career to be but some how nothing interests me. Everything seems boring and uninteresting. Even though I have thought of being a nurse because I heard they pay good.

My American voice

I speak up when I think that it's not fair on somethings or when I'm not getting my way. I'm going to be honest I love getting my way who doesn't? But I usually speak the truth in everything espcially when someone is not being fair with me. I speak up and diss anyone who thinks I'm wrong.

inciting incident

My first impression of the inciting incident is when the police came up Leonardo mead.

Respect my authority

Usually in public or at school I'm a really quiet person because I don't like the people around me or just because I'm bored and not want to be there. But when I am with my friends or family or somewhere I really enjoy, I am a loud, weird, funny person who cant stop talking. A lot of people tell m I'm really funny to be around with once you really get to know me. But yeah, usually in public I'm really quiet and just to myself.

Theme of my litature analysis book

I am reading The catcher and the rye. And so far I have noticed a very deep theme which is loneliness. Holden's behavior indicates his loneliness he doesn't really know why he behaves this way. He often sabotages his own attempts to end his loneliness. For example his conversation with Carl and Luce and his date with Sally are made unbearable by his rude behavior. He is a really individual person who has a source of his security.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Vocab: fall list #6

1. Meme- an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nungentic means , especially imitation
-The meme was funny because it was about trump.

2. Virus- a peice of code that is capable itself and typically has detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data
-My computer caught a very bad virus and it's taking a while to get rid of it.

3. Viral- an image, video, advertisement that is circulated rapidly in the Internet
- The video of her dancing became viral because of how good she did it.

4. Blog- to write about an event, situation, topic, and more
- I had forgotten to write on my blog.

5. Wiki- a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users
- A wiki page isn't always going to have the right answers.

6. URL- uniform resource cocator: a protocol for specifying addresses on the Internet
- The URL wasn't valid.

7. Website-a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages world wide
-The website helped me find lots of good information for my project.

8. Www- world wide network
- www.defintion helped me find the words.

9. Internet- the global communication network that allows almost all computers worldwide to connect and exchange information
-The Internet can sometimes be very dangerous.

10. 2.0 - used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product
- The computers now a days are 2.0

11. Open source- denoting software for which the ordinal source code is made freely available and may reditributed and modified
-Open source helped me find important details.

Team vocabulary

The presidential debate was aggravating the American people. Donald Trumps supporters are hypnotized by the things he says. He also accused Hilary for being a liar and he would put her in jail if he becomes president. His ideas will transform America to chaos. I think Donald Trump should be suspended from from the debate for not acting professional. The future with trump will be melancholy for the citizens. Meanwhile others are anticipating Hillary Clinton plans will be good for the country.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Vocabulary- fall list #5

1. Venomous- secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting
-The snake was venomous so we tryed to stay away.

2. Stolid- calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation
- The guy seemed a little stolid about his sisters murder.

3. Hypnotized- produce a state of hypothesis
- He was able to hypnotic everyone that he wanted.

4. Suspended- temporary prevent from continuing or being force or effect
- In elementary my friend got suspended for fighting.

5. Transformed- make a through or dramatic change in the form, appearance or character
- She transformed into a whole different person.

6. Accuse- charge someone with an offense or crime
- He accused her of stealing his car at night.

7. Anticipate- regard us probable; expect or predict
- I anticipated he loved me.

8. Fringe- an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tussles or twists used to edge clothing or material.
- The fringe was useful to make blankets.

9. Melancholy- a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
- Melancholy was her favorite mood.

10. Earnestly- serious in intention purpose
-He earnestly told her that he needed space and just pushed her away.

11. Dissolve- become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution
- The ice dissolved as it was laid in the sun.

12. Aggravate- make worse or more serious
-He started screaming making it more aggravate.

13. Illuminate- light up
-He illuminated the place with his smile.

14. Capillary- any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the ante rides and vehules.
- The capillary was not functioning.

15. Proboscis- the nose of a mammal
- The elephants proboscis was stuck.